Cheating with AI

The Pros and Cons of using AI for Content Creation

With the release of Chat GPT, Artificial Intelligence officially entered the mainstream. Marketers love it. Teachers fear it. But we all will need to learn to live with it, because it’s not going away. In business, many consider using AI to generate blog posts. Blog posts help your SEO by giving web crawlers more content to link your site to. Yet should you? Is it cheating to use AI? What are the downsides? Below we’ve outlined the pros and cons of using AI to generate blog content. 



The dreaded blank page. How long do you stare at the blank page as you try to collect your thoughts and decide what to write? You aren’t the only one who faces writer's block or struggles to come up with new ideas. We’ve all been there. AI-powered tools can cut through the fog and generate content ideas based on keywords or topics. You can then use these ideas as starting points toward developing unique and engaging content that provides value to your audience.

Time Saving

Writing high-quality blog posts can be time-consuming, requiring research, organization, and editing. AI-powered writing tools can help you save time. Just type in a prompt and out comes a draft ready for revision. AI can even generate multiple drafts based on a single input, allowing bloggers to choose the best one or combine them to create a unique post. Or repurpose existing content by using AI-powered tools to generate new summaries, paraphrases, or sister topics, boosting productivity.


Maintaining consistency in writing style and tone is crucial when establishing your brand voice. AI can help you achieve consistency by adhering to predefined parameters. It is possible to set guidelines for language, tone, and style, ensuring a cohesive brand image.

Language Assistance

Not everyone is a native English speaker, and writing in a foreign language can be challenging. AI writing tools can assist bloggers by providing language suggestions, grammar corrections, and even translations. Bloggers can use these tools to improve their writing and make it more accessible to a global audience.


Lack of Authenticity 

One of the downsides of using AI to write blog posts is the potential lack of authenticity. AI-generated content may lack the human touch, which can result in generic or impersonal writing. You will need to ensure that the content generated by AI aligns with your values and resonates with your audience.

Limited Creativity 

While AI can assist with creative inspiration, it may not match the creativity and originality of a human author. AI models are trained on vast amounts of data and generate content based on patterns, which limits their ability to produce truly unique and innovative content. AI authored pieces can be a bit boring, so you will need to review and edit to ensure the content stands out and resonates with your audience.

Ethical Concerns 

The use of AI in content creation raises ethical concerns, such as plagiarism and copyright infringement. AI models can inadvertently generate content that closely resembles existing content, leading to potential legal issues. You will need to ensure that the content generated by AI is original and does not violate any copyrights or intellectual property rights.

To make the most of AI in blogging, consider the following tips:

Review and Edit 

Always review and edit the content generated by AI to ensure that it aligns with your style, tone, and brand voice. Add personal touches and make necessary revisions to enhance readability and originality.

Use AI as a Tool, Not a Replacement 

View AI as a tool that complements your writing skills, rather than a replacement for human creativity. Consider using AI to generate ideas, summarize content, or assist with language, but don't solely rely on it for all aspects of content creation.

Check for Plagiarism 

Run the AI-generated content through plagiarism-checking tools to ensure that it is original and does not infringe on any copyrights or intellectual property rights.

Regardless of if you feel like it’s cheating or the wave of the future, AI will undoubtedly play a significant role in the future of content creation. Those who embrace AI as a tool to enhance their writing process will generate more content more quickly—which can mean more sales and more revenue. So, go ahead and explore the possibilities of using AI, but remember to use it mindfully, with a human touch that makes your content truly exceptional. 


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